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Monthly Archives: May 2011
Galacian military organisation
Some more AW:P writing here, just a brief summary of Galacia’s armies. The ADF are the dudes you’ll be playing as in the Galacian campaign, for the record; the regular army is mostly there to act as allies (or targets … Continue reading
D&D: Correspondence
I goofed hardcore with Saturday’s – it’s there in hardcopy but weddings and D&D and mahjong and hilarious hypothetical slashfic contests with pichy have prevented it from being transcribed. Should be up on Monday. For now, here’s something D&D-related, a … Continue reading
Message from the Kuiper Belt
This one is a little ham-handed; I blame the typing and half the writing being done at this ungodly hour in the morning. Bad John! — The rumours are probably already out of control, so I’ll say this as fast … Continue reading
Backstory: Nemesis, part 3
One of the problems with incremental development is that it makes it very difficult to discern where one thing ends and another begins. I know for a fact that my creators put some explicit restrictions in my initial personality, although … Continue reading
Arrival: The Doctor
urrrrrgh this one came out terrible and ham-handed. Not at all happy with it. — The ship shook violently. It was Sarah’s third time landing on a planet, and as far as she could tell it wasn’t going to be … Continue reading
History: Galacian culture and society
More brainstorming and rambling for AW:P. — Galacia is the only nation in north of the equator that didn’t start off as a splinter of the Boscan empire: as such, many of the common cultural and political conventions found throughout … Continue reading
Arrival: The Pilot, part 2
This could theoretically be full of spoilers for the work it’s intended to be a part of, but it really hints at more than it tells. The ending is a horrible mess, too. — It would be wrong to say … Continue reading
Arrival: The Pilot, part 1
Here’s the next bit – turns out that there was way more than I had time to write before heading off, so it’ll be a two-parter. Not entirely happy with how much this is an inner monologue rather than a … Continue reading
Arrival: The Victim
After midnight, but whatever. Part 3 will be coming on Sunday still! This time round I’ve taken a first-person, present-tense approach, which I felt would work best for the character this scene is about. Think I might try mulling it … Continue reading
Arrival: The Ship
So, a little something different here. This is the first version (of about four, or at least I intend it to be something like that) of a story: my intention is to tell the same basic plot from a different … Continue reading