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Category Archives: Criticism
War, slavery, hope, and trust: Lavinia and the Western Shore
If you’ve spent any time at all talking to me about fiction then it won’t surprise you that Ursula K. Le Guin is far and away my favourite author. A Wizard of Earthsea was the first book of hers that … Continue reading
Review: Castoff World
Okay. Okay. Okay. Welcome to December the 2nd, 2011. I wrote this yesterday and promised a follow-up, so here we are again, again! RNG results: Tone, Nitpicks, Content Castoff World is a fairly predictable beast – a post-ecotastrophe story set … Continue reading
Here we are again
Well, Blagofest was not a success. I didn’t even participate in the follow-up Blogtember, either (and the less said about the rest of Spring, the better). But that ends now: Decemblog begins today! In the interests of getting stuff done … Continue reading